

Corona. Efter två veckor lyckas jag äntligen gå förbi min favoritmataffär utan 50 meter kö. Det är den bästa butiken på grund av att det finns prisvärd hjortstek och typ alla sorters frukter man någonsin kan önska sig. Tex jordgubbar, som smakar precis som svenska. 

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Jag går in, och hör änglarna sjunga när jag går genom grönsakslandet. Tomater och avokados hälsar vänligt, vi är bästa vänner. Komsi, komsi. Vaknar ur min gröna dimma när jag ser att det är extrapris på mangobitar. Det kan man ju inte missa. Men den måste ju såklart ätas idag. Går sedan förbi jordgubbarna. Och blåbären. Hmm ja, det är ju lika bra jag köper, vet ju inte när jag kan handla här nästa gång. Det är ju inte som att jag skulle kunna äta allt det på en kväll!

Spatserar vidare mellan raderna och njuter av stort utbud. Tack och lov så finns det verkligen gott om mat (och toapapper) i butikerna. Lyxar till det med hjortsteken jag suktat efter i ett par veckor. Hittar lite popcorn, mitt favoritsnacks. Och tvål, för nu gnuggar man händerna mest hela tiden.

Går hem, nöjd och glad över att ha kunnat komplettera mitt basutbud med lyxkonsumtion. Slänger in lite fryspommes i ugnen, gör i ordning mina tomater och preppar mina två (!) små hjortstekar. 

En nästan anatomiskt. korrekt hjärt-gubbe

En nästan anatomiskt. korrekt hjärt-gubbe

En stund senare sitter jag i soffan och är matlycklig med Netflix som sällskap. Kommer på efter en stund att jag ju måste äta den där mangon så den inte blir dålig. Men när jag står i köket inser jag att jordgubbar kan ju faktiskt aldrig vänta till dag två, om man inte vill ha sunkgubbar. Tycker synd om blåbären som blir alldeles ensamma i köket - bäst att ta med dem också. 

Mangon försvinner, likaså jordgubbarna. En såg ut som ett (nästan anatomiskt korrekt) hjärta - fint. Blåbären sinar sakta. Plötsligt har även dessa gått sitt öde tillmötes. 

Kommer på att jag ju faktiskt också har popcorn. Kan vara trevligt med lite sälta efter detta söta. Ta några (eller alla, oops!). 

Jag har haft en ultimat-kväll. Dvs en kväll med bara mina bästa matfavoriter och det var helt fantastiskt. Man mår så bra av mat! 

Ibland, när man äter över 1,5kg kött, frukt och snacks, så kan man dock drabbas av en så kallad ”foodbaby”. Faktum är att det händer varje gång vi äter, men när man äter mer/mycket, så kommer man liksom lite längre i sitt foodbaby-skapande.

Foodbabies har oförtjänt dåligt rykte, men jag skulle vilja påstå att dessa kan vara resultatet av ett mycket kärleksfullt möte med fantastisk mat. Som ikväll. 

Delar härmed kvällens resultat (med en avslappnad bild och en spänd bild). Må inte dåligt över dina foodbabies - det är bara lite tillfälligt put.

Suzann Sjödin - Från bullbakande pysselmamma till självsäker lyftare

Den här texten är skriven av Suzann Sjödin, som har gått igenom en av våra största transformationer på gymmet. Vi delar med glädje hennes historia! Du vet väl att nästa Suzann skulle kunna vara du?

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Vem är Suzann Sjödin?

För 3 år sedan hade jag inte haft förmågan att ge följande svar:

Jag är en glad, stolt och tacksam kvinna i mina bästa år. Starkare än jag någonsin varit, i både kropp och själ. Men också närmre mina känslor och öppnare än någonsin. Livet är en berg- och dalbana och jag åker med!

Jag gör en resa jag inte trodde var möjlig. Jag är på väg att bli en av de där människorna som jag bara läst om i tidningar, som gör en livsstilsförändring som vänder upp och ner på det mesta. Jag tillhör numera skaran som är levande bevis på att det är faktiskt är möjligt att förändra sig!

Efter månader i chocktillstånd, sorg och ältande efter en skilsmässa, kom jag i kontakt med Massive Performance och Weight Trainer-programmet sommaren 2017. En blänkare på Instagram fick mig att skicka iväg ett mail. En god vän till mig hade gett mig goda rekommendationer. Ett första möte och jag kände att det var helt rätt för mig. Jag hade redan rasat i vikt, men på ett ohälsosamt sätt. Jag behövde komma i balans med mat och motion och inte minst mentalt. Min självkänsla var närmast obefintlig, jag hade alltid avskytt gym, gick helst inte utanför min comfort zone och släppte ogärna in någon på livet. Efter en KBT-terapi under våren, som bland annat fick mig att övervinna min livslånga dödsångest för djupt vatten, så insåg jag att jag behövde mer än det och befintliga vänner för att komma vidare i livet … och kanske det viktigaste … att det är bara upp till mig själv att verkligen göra vad som krävs, men det är inte fel att ta hjälp på vägen!

En blänkare på Instagram fick mig att skicka iväg ett mail. En god vän till mig hade gett mig goda rekommendationer. Ett första möte och jag kände att det var helt rätt för mig.

Massive Performance har blivit mitt andra hem! Men gissa om jag var nervös när jag tryckte ner handtaget första gången och steg över tröskeln! Skulle lilla blyga, klumpiga Suzann börja gymma? Röra på mig framför andra människor. Det här var så långt ifrån min tidigare person som det bara går att komma. Ingen jag träffat på Massive tror på att jag varit sådan och det är inte så konstigt … för jag bestämde mig där och då – jag är bara jag, alla kan inte älska mig men jag kan bjuda på mig ändå. Jag är en glad person, som gillar att vara öppen, gillar att dela med mig och hoppas verkligen kunna inspirera och få andra att öppna upp och bara vara sig själva.

Att börja röra på mig har gjort underverk för kroppen. Och för hjärnan. Idag respekterar jag mig själv lika mycket som jag respekterar andra. Ser på mig själv och min kropp med kärlek. 100 % nöjd blir jag nog aldrig, hjärnspöken från ett långt liv jobbas inte bort i en handvändning. Men det handlar mycket om att numera känna att jag duger och att jag är bra som jag är. Vem hade trott att jag skulle gå från bullbakande pysselmamma utan självkänsla till styrkelyftande, öppen, modig kvinna som vågar ta egna beslut och tro på mig själv! Jag kan, jag vill och jag vågar!

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Men det handlar mycket om att numera känna att jag duger och att jag är bra som jag är. Vem hade trott att jag skulle gå från bullbakande pysselmamma utan självkänsla till styrkelyftande, öppen, modig kvinna som vågar ta egna beslut och tro på mig själv! Jag kan, jag vill och jag vågar!

Tack till Massive Performance och hela gänget där, för att ni trott och tror på mig, lär mig och stöttar mig! Och tack alla härliga Massivare i #massivefamily – tillsammans hjälps vi åt att lyfta varandra till våra bästa jag!

Att träna gör inte bara gott för kroppen - det gör också underverk för vår mentala hälsa. I september 2017 låg jag och sprattlade under skivstången för första gången, livrädd och orkade knappt pressa upp en tom stång på 15 kg. Men en låga tändes i mig. Mina personbästa sedan dess har förbättrats avsevärt, men jag tänker inte ge mig där! Jag tycker det är coolt att en kvinna i min ålder börjar styrkelyfta – och jag vågar dessutom säga det högt ;) Det är aldrig för sent att börja en ny resa, oavsett ålder.

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Sedan den nya versionen av mig började ta form har jag inte bara gjort en tränings- och hälsoresa, det har även handlat om en ordentlig mental resa och faktiskt också om en resa utomlands på egen hand. Och det behöver inte göras så komplicerat! Jag har sett uppmaningen att vi ska sluta ”hålla på” i sociala medier och jag instämmer. I grund och botten hittar jag motivation i mitt ”varför” och utan att ha detta klart för mig tappar jag tråden. Det gäller inte bara träningen, utan i det mesta i livet. Mitt varför är att jag vill må bra, för mig och för att kunna leva ett så bra liv jag förmår. Det är en god början!

Jag är helt övertygad om att det finns så många som kan göra en liknande resa. Vi är många på Massive Performance som gör den redan, på olika sätt. Jag vill gärna inspirera andra att kliva fram i ljuset. Så att vi inspirerar varandra och ännu fler att börja en förändring som ger ringar på vattnet och får oss att växa som människor på alla plan. Vem står näst på tur?


Vad är grejen med TRX?

IMG_4845 Massive Performance Isa Olsson Vad är grejen med TRX.PNG

Du har kanske sett hur folk hänger och slänger i de gulsvarta banden på gymmet, kanske har du också testat själv? Du kanske redan deltagit i ett av gruppträningspassen och förvirrat försökt reda ut vilket handtag som ska igenom vilket, och hur många gånger var det nu igen, innan man har ETT handtag istället för två. Eller första gången man ska göra magövningar i banden och man ligger som en säl på magen och fladdrar med fötterna för att hitta öglorna till att sätta foten i. Känns det igen?

Som väl är, så upplevs TRX bara sådär dramatiskt precis när man börjar. Det är lätt att anpassa övningar efter träningsbakgrund och nivå, och efter bara några gånger så har du glömt bort både förvirringen med att sätta ihop handtagen, och dina första magplask. Efter den där första gången dock, när du tog i rätt bra för det kändes ju faktiskt inte SÅ jobbigt, fick du kanske en rejäl släng av träningsvärk? Det är väldigt vanligt - hur tränad du än är! 

Det man inte tänker på när man står där med banden, är att man engagerar rätt mycket mer muskulatur än när man tränar i maskiner eller lattjar lite med fria vikter. När du använder din egen kropp som belastning så är det få stunder under ett träningspass som du får riktig vila. Även när du blir trött, så är det enkelt att ändra din rörelse litegrann (kanske ta i lite mer med armarna), och plötsligt är hela kroppen aktiv i benövningen. Man försöker göra det lättare, men i många fall blir det än tuffare!

TRX står för ”Total Resistance eXercises”, och utvecklades av tidigare Navy Seal-soldaten Randy Hetrick. Den gjorde sitt intåg till Sverige runt 2010 och har därefter etablerat sig på nästan alla typiska gymanläggningar (och i många hem). Den passar lika bra för någon som aldrig tränat tidigare, som för den som elitsatsar på golf. Möjligheterna är nästintill oändliga - även om du skulle bli dunderstark kan övningarna alltid göras mer utmanande genom att byta fot/handpositioner, justera tempot eller designa komplexare övningskombinationer.

Men vad är då grejen? Varför ska du träna med TRX? Givetvis så bör du välja träningsform efter dina behov, så om listan nedan stämmer in med dina behov, så kanske det är dags att testa!

  • Du vill träna hela kroppen på dina träningspass.

  • Du vill ha ett effektivare träningspass på kortare tid (jämfört med samma tid i maskiner eller enbart hantelbaserad träning).

  • Din högsta prioritet är inte enbart styrka, utan en kombination av styrka, smidighet, kondition och balans..

  • Du vill gärna träna i mer än ett plan (dvs även rotera och böja kroppen i sidled).

Om detta passar in på dig så ska du definitivt ge TRX en chans. Börja med att gå på gruppträning, och börja därefter experimentera med övningar på egen hand. Du kan inte göra så väldigt fel, förutsatt att ingenting gör ont. Vi kan alltid hjälpa dig om du känner att du är ute på hal is!

Exempel på övningar i TRX

Vanliga fel eller utmaningar i TRX

  • ”Slapp” höft - du har inte så god kontroll på höften så den blir ”ledsen” och faller ned eller veknar när du bör ha spänning i/kring den. Spänn skinkorna och var medveten om rörelserna som sker (eller inte sker) i höften.

  • Du tar i för mycket med armarna - istället för att belasta kroppsdelen/delarna som du ska, så vill du ”hjälpa till” lite för mycket med armarna. Det leder lätt till lite för mycket spänning inte bara i armar, men även nacke och axlar. Försök att sänka dina axlar och skulderblad, och enbart använda armarna så mycket som är nödvändigt.

  • Du belastar främre delen av foten för mycket - tänk att du ska ha hela foten i, ”tripod-fot” (tre punkter -> häl, stortåled, lilltåled), och att hälen inte ska ha mindre än 50% belastning. Såvida det inte är en övning som kräver att du står på tå, som tex TRX Front Squat. 


  • Tänk på vilka muskler (kring vilken led) som du vill belasta. Är det knäet eller höften? Om svaret är höften så bör du justera din position så att du känner ”mer” kring höften än kring knäet.

  • Om det är en ryggövning så är det kanske inte framsidan av axeln som ska ta i mest - hur kan du hitta rätt?

  • Är det en magövning så kan du prova att positionera höften på olika vis för att verkligen hitta spänningen i magen - det spelar ingen roll hur hårt du försöker spänna magen om din position inte tillåter spänning. 

TRX med skador 

Det går alldeles utmärkt att använda TRX som ett rehab-verktyg. Här blir det desto viktigare att tänka på kontroll och teknik, och kanske reducera både belastning och hastighet. Allt som provocerar din skada ska du undvika. Smärta är inte bra, men lite obekvämt kan vara okej. Eftersom det krävs en del balans i TRX så skala alltid tillbaka övningarna och utveckla dem i långsam takt så att du inte råkar överbelasta eller överanstränga någonting av misstag. Om du känner dig osäker så prata med din sjukgymnast eller någon av oss på gymmet som kan hjälpa dig att anpassa träningen efter dina behov.

Sammanfattningsvis så är det precis som i all annan träning viktigt att lära sig känna sin egen kropp relativt till utrustningen, och anpassa tekniken därefter.

Vill du boka ett gruppträningspass med oss? Klicka här för att se vårt gruppträningsschema!

Day 5 - Human Dissection in Phoenix

After some R&R from this highly intense week, here's the fifth installment of my human dissection experience! I think of all the days, this might be the most interesting. There was a lot of things going on, people working on the last parts and so many questions. And brains!

We started the day off with completing the evisceration. So we first had to detach the pectoralis from the chest, and take off as much of the diaphragm as possible from the "roof" of the chest cavity. After that we could start cutting the ribs on both sides. We took turns cutting the ribs - they do have a certain feel to them. We used common gardening cutters, the same you would prune your fruit trees with. Certainly an unusual feeling to use them for ribs. The ribs were fragile and porous, they had a pinkish tone and looked like there were bubbles in them. You could almost hear the texture as you cut the rib, it wasn't a "hard" crack, but rather like breaking it apart type crackle. To finish removing the chest plate, we cut right under the clavicles across the chest. The chest plate was beautiful from the inside, lots of muscle in between each rib, different tissue directions that could be seen under the shiny membrane covering them. Very cool! At last we could see the lungs and the sack for the heart! I was quite surprised to see that the heart was placed so low in the body, because from the pictures you see in a typical anatomy book, it's placed quite high. There are probably individual differences (as with all else), but still.

Good to know that even though anatomy books provide us with a map, the terrain isn't always the same.

From there it was quite easy to detach the diaphragm from the back and spine. It really does have a lot of attachments! And what fascinated me most about the diaphragm was that it was SO thin. It almost felt plastic bag type thin (though it probably was a bit thicker at least). I'm surprised by plenty of tissue in the body, how can something so thin be so strong and durable? How can we abuse things so, and still they do their job just fine? I think it's thinness means that it does a good job moving though. When you think about it a strong and thick diaphragm would probably mean less ease of breathing, and because it's attached to so many other things, most likely that it would inhibit movement across the whole body.

After detaching the diaphragm, it was time to remove the heart sack, with as much surrounding vessels as possible. It wasn't easy! Both the sack and the heart itself had plenty of yellow fat on it. You wouldn't think so, but I guess it's pretty good for keeping the heart safe. I'm not sure if it was a normal or unhealthy amount of fat, I forgot to ask. But when looking at our cadaver on day 1, there was no reason what so ever to believe she was overweight. And her greater omentum was so small, that I think she might not have had enough fat in the right places. But I don't know!

It was a surreal feeling to take out the heart and hold it in my hands. The aorta alone, is as big as the circle I can make by putting my thumb and index finger together! And it is long too! I'm struggling to understand the volume of blood that goes through the heart in only a minute. And how strong and wonderful the heart is to keep doing it's job. Dissecting the heart was really difficult, we weren't sure were to start, or finish. It was a big mess of muscle, fat and vessels. Nonetheless, amazing!

After finishing up the heart it was time to get the lungs out. I wanted to make a good model for us to study outside the body, so I removed the trachea together with both lungs. I also managed to get the thyroid membrane and cartilage, and anything in between that and the trachea. It was hard work getting it all out in one piece, but totally worth it once completed. They actually looked nicer outside the body than on the inside. Our cadaver had some strange lumps on the front of her lungs, which turned out to be some sort of repair of non-efficient alveoli (I think). I can't remember the name of it, but if I recall correctly it was that if two alveoli doesn't function well, they can grow together to be able to regain the function that was previously lost. I'm gonna have to do some research so I don't forget about that completely! Did you know that the alveoli makes up for about 70-75m2 of surface? Crazy, right?

The lungs had an extraordinary texture, it was like minimi bubble wrap to touch. Almost as if you could feel the air going out them! It reminded me of the texture of the aponeurosis on the skull. Very strange, yet fascinating. The color was a deep red/brown. Were the trachea went into the lungs, it felt like bigger bubbles, almost like what the artery plaque felt like, but I'm guessing it's supposed to feel that way there, considering the thickness and feel of the trachea. It was pretty much a tube! Going almost all the way around, but it was soft to the touch against the back. The tube feel went all the way from the insertion in the lungs, to the thyroid membrane.

We took the chance to look closer at the discs when we had freed up the chest cavity. The discs have a really interesting texture and feel to them. They were not at all as soft as I would have imagined. And they looks like trees when you cut them up, with rings going around it. Considering the tightness of everything around the spine, it's amazing that we can even get herniated discs. I wonder how many painful cases of herniated discs and bulging discs that are actually caused by the tissue around the spine and what's supporting it (like the hip), rather than the discs. And I can see how movement would still be beneficial when herniated, as the tissue around the herniation would likely be able to help everything come back to its right place.


When done with the chest cavity, it was time to move on to a different cavity, at the opposite end of the body. I hadn't finished uncover the pelvic floor on Thursday, so this was the time to finish the job. It was a pain the the butt (we even had some slight leakage from said butt). It was almost impossible to do a good job, so I got the bladder, uterus, sigmoid colon/rectum and the whole outside to go in one piece.

What happened next was probably my least favorite part of the week - it was so out of this world and just plain weird! Todd came by and asked about the uterus, which was intact and could be displayed. We also found the Fallopian tubes and ovaries. Todd then asked me to find the cervix, which wasn't all that hard. And to see it, I was to push it out through the vagina. This is were most of the butt leakage happened, along with great difficulty getting the thing out! We had to cut the opening to be able to see anything (I certainly feel my fiffi clam up by then!), and when not even that was a success we (finally) got to cut it up from the inside. This was just the weirdest thing ever! But at least now I know how to tell if someone has had babies or not. If someone has not had a baby, the opening of the cervix is round, and if someone has had baby, the opening changes for to an oval opening, or a line. So I'm glad to say our cadaver had the chance to reproduce while she was alive! The cervix was actually out to the test by two other students, I think they could only open it a few millimeters, which makes it really difficult to understand THATS WERE BABIES EXIT !

After that vaginal adventure, I had to focus on something that wasn't in the lower part of the body. So, me and Johan quickly removed the temporalis on both sides, to prepare for a proper, real life brain scan.

Todd came up with an electric bone saw, me and Oscar held the head and Todd did the hard work. He went all the way around the head, almost all the way through. Cranium smells just like when drilling in teeth by the way. Before going any further, he asked one of the students to grab one of the red tissue bags and turn it inside out. This was for catching the brain! He then proceeded to put a flat screwdriver in between the sides of the cranium and hammer it off. That sound, of bones tearing, was a bit creepy... And like a helmet, the cranium was off! Me and Oscar held the cadaver up the whole time, to keep the brain from spilling over. It really had NO shape what so ever! You couldn't tell one part from the other(it did have the characteristic folds though). So we then went on to pour the brain onto the red bag, what a mess... Inside was still the cerebellum, some of the cranial nerves attached to it and the nerves going to the eyes. We poured that too. I had brains up to my elbows after this, I never thought I'd say that 😳

An embalmed brain would have a quite different texture, more like rubber. That would really help if one would like to study the brain up close, as now we missed "all the fun", as the brain just melted out without any specific part being firm enough to make out.

One of the other groups opened their cranium a bit differently, the first took of the mandible and then used a handsaw to go up the head at an angle. That created three lovely pockets to study after pouring out the contents. A fantastic view!

After seeing the brain floating out like that (twice!) I can't believe how it can actually function! And I'm amazed by the fact the more people doesn't seriously injure their brains while doing stupid and/or crazy things! Also intrigued by the causes of epilepsy (which I have), how big or small is the impact? How much damage does my brain suffer for each of my seizures? I hope I don't have to have any more of those.

One thing that was interesting about the two skulls was the difference in thickness of the cranium. It ranged from about 3-6 mm in one of them (male) to 6-10 mm in the other (female). Ours, the female, also had necrosis of the bone by the frontal lobe. That makes you think about whether or not she had any behavioral problems before she died. Quite interesting really. Apparently the cause of this type of necrosis isn't yet known.

After finishing up with the brain I went to see what Oscar was up to with Todd at one of the other tables. They were dissecting an eye and found an artificial lens! So turns out that cadaver had previously had eye surgery, perhaps for glaucoma or something similar. We also got to see a jelly like piece of tissue that "lives" in the eye. Can't remember the name, but it was fascinating.

After all the head action I went to go through the foot with Staffan. What a beautiful creation. No wonder the foot can cause problems, it's really tight and well planned down there to start with, so any loss of movement or an injury would definitely have consequences! Think of when you go to IKEA and see one of their tiny bedrooms, all well planned and perfect. But if that was your home, there would probably be laundry, books and other things lying around the whole place making the space a lot less functional for you. That is your feet.

Other findings during the day was that our cadaver had a bone spur both in the subtalar joint, which made dorsal flexion of the foot impossible. There was also a bone spur in the acetabulum in one of the hips. A bone spur is pretty much bone tissue where it shouldn't be, usually right in your joint. Don't grow them, they are likely to hurt! Our cadaver also had scoliosis, probably acquired through lifestyle in Todd's opinion. I wouldn't know how to tell the difference!

Another thing we reacted to was how small the thoracic vertebrae is compared to the lumbar vertebrae. I would say even more than in the typical models we use in school.

After lunch we had a look around all the other tables to learn more about everybody else's findings. I learned how small and tiny the meniscus is, and that the bursa pretty much looks like fat. I would have missed it if it wasn't pointed out to me! We also took a good look at the ACL, which two of the guys tried to tear. In just flexion it was pretty much impossible, but with some knee valgus it came off a lot easier! Again, another horrible sound that I'll probably remember forever.

One of the other tables had a woman who had been to surgery and got two big tubes inserted in her body, going from the heart, all the way down to the femoral arteries of both legs. All in all it was about 2.5m of plastic tubing, encased by her body. Extraordinary. As they removed it, they found it went well down into her thighs. We're not sure of the reason why this procedure was done. Do you have any idea?

The woman with four toes (eight all in all) actually had two screws in each of her foot. There wasn't enough time to find out more, but the group working at the table reasoned that they might be there to give the feet a bit more stability, which might be lacking with only four toes. Unfortunately we will never know, but it's interesting to speculate at times.

We also had the opportunity to closely inspect the penis and testicles. I can't remember everything that was said about it, but one of the things that came up was erectile dysfunction and what may cause it. One reason is bad blood circulation, which may make it harder for the blood to make its way into the spongiosus-thingies. There's also the pudendal nerve that can be impinged when sitting a lot. It lies right in between the sacrotuberous ligament and the sacrospinous ligament, so it would quite easily get impinged if those two where too tight.

Other interesting facts you may be interested to know is that the way you expand skulls for education (where the parts of the cranium comes apart), is to insert a tight bag of rice into the head, and to then book it. Viola, cracked skull! Also, the best way to remove tissue from bone is an insect bath (apparently all big institutions has one), that will clear bones of any edible tissue. If the bones need to be whiter they can then be bleached.

After the day we had a short break to thank Todd for the week, and give him a gift as a token of our appreciation!

Then it was time to clean up and prepare the bodies for their journey home to their families. They were all put together with their body part and tissue in a plastic bag to be cooled down. We then got to help out with taking out ten frozen cadavers that had already been dissected for thawing over the weekend, as they too were to make the journey home for cremation and burial with their families.

Thank you for reading! :)

Day 4 - Human Dissection in Phoenix

It's that time again - anatomical enlightenment! Day four of dissection completed and I'm even more intrigued than before! What is this wonder we live in? An engineering masterpiece, which isn't only functional, but truly beautiful. Even guts, when looking through the right lens..

We started out again by preparing the cadavers on the tables, laying on the back. It was time for evisceration!

Todd first showed us how it's done - going through the transversus right into the peritoneum. The incisions were made on both sides, with a final straight cut over the pubic line. That way it was possible to just fold the abs over the chest and get right into the organs. What first met the eye weren't what we expected - many of us didn't know of the greater omentum and it's function! It's a fatty tissue that lies in between the abs and the organs. Its not attached, so it moves to where it's most needed. It's purpose is to protect and help the organs to heal. Apparently it's common with the omentum going to the spleen, especially when people are nearing death (as the spleen will have a lot on its plate by then). The cadaver Todd opened had a perfect omentum, but our cadaver had a small, dried out omentum that lay right above the spleen. It was really interesting to see the differences in the bodies!

One cadaver had swollen or gassy intestines, and they were arranged like four vertical (had she been standing) collars, at least 2" wide. It filled up the whole cavity! Most of the others were either like Todd's or ours.

Anyways, evisceration. So evisceration means removing the organs. For this, the cadavers were on their sides so that gravity could help with the "fallout".. I got to do the evisceration on our cadaver, and it was pretty great actually. Luckily we had no punctures on any of the tissue, and so the smell stayed away. It was detailed work that required precision, and it was SO exciting as I also got to uncover the psoas (hip flexor) as I went. When done we could lay out the whole system on the table, and look at it in its entirety. Awesome. I didn't know that the whole small intestines is connected to the same membrane that supports the system with blood and makes sure that nutrients end up where they're needed. That was really good to see! It looked almost like some sort of sponge like structure, wavy at the edges and intestine-y on the edges.. Other things that were in the same "goo" were the liver, pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands, gall bladder, large intestine, stomach and the spleen.

Another really interesting thing is how the large intestines fasten right on the psoas. Ever heard that you should take a walk to make things move in there? Yeah, me too. And now I know why!

The psoas is a really big muscle, and with its close association to the large intestine that means that what we do (activity wise) can have a huge effect on regularity and we'll being. Nobody likes to be constipated! The size of the psoas really surprised me. I knew it was important, but it is a lot thicker than what I could have imagined! The only other muscle that was actually bigger than expected was the adductor magnus (inside thigh).

After evisceration I continued in the now empty space with uncovering the spine, diaphragm and muscles. More about the spine tomorrow (I didn't get very far yet). There was quite a lot of fat to remove still, but it looked really nice at the end of the day.

Tomorrow I'm hoping I'll get deeper into the pelvic floor!

Right next to the psoas I found the femoral nerve, which was real easy to trace down in the thigh. Beautiful to see it all make sense.

Speaking of thighs. Today we successfully took off someone's leg! First he removed the gluteus max, then the medius. From there it was easy to see the superior and inferior gemellus, piriformis and quadratus femoris. And the sciatic nerve. We also had the tfl still in place. Here we did plenty of movement to see how these small muscles, and the movement of the lower extremity, can possibly affect somebody. The risk for trouble is HUGE. We kinda already knew that, but this confirms that there really are a hundred possibilities when we get a client with pain. The only way to know if we're doing the right thing is to listen closely to what your body is saying.

We did movement testing in the leg, while Todd cut up ligaments around the hip joint. Suddenly you could see the structure coming out (and coming in - we didn't stop moving). Eventually we cut all the way round and got to feel the femoral head outside its capsule. Pretty cool. The bones in there doesn't actually tough - the fluid in there makes joints "float". It's almost poetic.

We also got to see the elbow and shoulder joint opened, which was also extraordinary!

Anyways, just a quickie back to hips. I told you yesterday about the four toed lady we have. She had some quite interesting anomalies in her hip and hip flexor. We can't say why for sure, but we can observe and guess. She first seemed to be lacking a piriformis, but we threw discovered something that looked like a split muscle, with some attachment to the glute minimus. Every single cadaver had something different.

Speaking of attachments - turns out that the male cadaver had a fracture of the left trochanter! The piece that was broken off was nicely encapsulated in tissue, so it would probably have been there many years! Very cool to see!

One thing that wasn't very pleasant was when I found the aorta coming down from the heart along the spine and going down in the legs. Just by touching it I could feel the buildup in there. LOADS. So I removed it (it looked like an inverse Y with the vessels leading into the legs). I had to cut it up with scissors, and I struggled, to get it open. The rock hard buildup varied form about 1-2mm thick - that is a lot. I think it was eye opening for everybody to see a blood vessel like that. Imagine we could be full of that stuff, right this second.

Todd said something in class today that really stood out to me. The body strives for perfection. Which means, whatever we give it, it will try to make good things with it. So I'm thinking that if we can only make sure that we're going on the right direction with our clients, it doesn't have to be 100% right all the time, but it need to always improve.

Goodnight world!

Day 3 - Human Dissection in Phoenix

And so day three of dissection has come to an end! It becomes more and more fascinating for every day. For every hour, really. I can't really say it enough - I'm so grateful for this opportunity, and I believe everybody who has anything to do with the human body as their profession should do something like this. It really puts things into perspective! And Dr Todd Garcia is all that a student could wish for in a teacher.

Today started off just like yesterday - taking up the cadavers from the freezer and putting them into the right position on the table. We started off with them on their backs today, to continue work on the arms and legs (separating muscles from each other).

Before doing any work at all, we did a "tour" of the cadavers to see what everybody was working on at their respective tables. That was really interesting!

There's one cadaver who only has four toes on each foot. It is apparently the first time anyone in the group, or Todd himself, has ever come across this phenomena! Today was interesting as the dissection has come to a deeper level, and we would likely be able to tell if she was born like that and if there were any signs of a fifth toe anywhere in there. What the group had discovered at this point was that the tendon that goes down the foot to the little toe was extraordinarily thick, and they suspected that it could be that what would have been the tendon to the little toe (or the one next to it - we don't know which one is missing), had merged with the neighboring tendon as the bone to which that was attached to is really the only thing it could have inserted to (what a confusing paragraph!). All very fascinating!

The next cadaver had a very thick compartment fascia in the calf, looking like an extension of the IT band (which is the tight fascia and going from the hip to the knee). When asked about it, Todd said that there's textbook fascia, and then there's what we see on the table. And in this case the IT band and (relatively thick) fascia of the calf was pretty much the same thing. It's all connected!

We also learned that in "med speak" (=language of doctors!) the leg is actually the part from the knee down, and the thigh is simply the thigh. If we are talking about the whole structure it is referred to as "lower extremity". So now you know that too :)

Going on to the third cadaver we got to look at movement testing in the lower extremities (see what I did there?!), and it was SO cool to see the movement right around the hips, and the ankle during movement. Again, it is great that we get to work with fresh tissue so we can actually MOVE them! The body is a wonder. The group had also found plaque in some of the arteries on the thigh, and getting to feel that was actually quite creepy. Plaque in blood vessels can be caused by high blood pressure, which create small "cracks" in the vessels. Small junk (=like fat, cholesterol and calcium) get stuck in the cracks and builds up over time, increasing the risk of heart attacks, stroke and other unpleasantries. This is not med speak btw. Anyway, the other cadavers had some buildup too, but not quite as much. It felt as it there were small plastic bits in the blood vessel, so no wonder blood vessels with buildup can't function properly!

While moving the legs we got on to another interesting point regarding knee pain. With the muscles now separated we looked at how dysfunction of the calf and foot can inhibit good knee function. Which would make them hurt! Also having tight adductors (=inside of thigh) has a huge effect on how the knee can function properly. It was so cool to see this with no skin, because it became clear that the knee is SO dependent on its neighbors to be able to have a good "working environment"! And just think about how much knee pain we could get rid of, if we only make sure that the tissue above and under the knee actually works! We actually have muscle that connects to the meniscus too, and what do you think would happen if that muscle didn't do its job well?

Next was my groups cadaver, where we got to show some cool upper body movement! I got to show some movement in the hand and forearm, and we also managed to see (thanks to Todd's great eye) the omohyoid inferior in action. To see it we tipped the head back a little to create neck extension + a slight lateral flex (head going to the left), and manually put the arm on the right side in a reach position (so we got tension in the omohyoids, head and arm away from each other). When in the reach position, when I moved the mandible, there was some very nice movement in the muscle. But think of that - your chin is pretty well connected to the shoulder. So what happens if tissue on the front of your neck doesn't work? Wouldn't that likely affect shoulder function? (Yes)

In the last one we also got to see some good neck action. The group had dissected and separated the front very well, so when grabbing the larynx and moving it side to side, there was loads of movement! We also got to learn about how much tension in the muscles around the larynx can affect our voice. Like when we're nervous about something! Another thing I wasn't aware of at all, is that there's actually a connection from the front of the neck to the heart (I forgot the name dammit!), so you can actually stimulate the heart by using the muscles in your neck.. I don't quite understand this let yet, so I'll ask some questions tomorrow!

After the general presentation of the stages of work, we got to go back to actually dissecting. I went even deeper into the forearm and hand, and managed to get it quite "clean" during the day, thanks to a lot of help from Niklas Andersson. I am totally fascinated with this pet of the body! It's insanely complex, beautiful and simply outstanding. Hello fine motor skills!

The carpal tunnel is about as big as my thumb (it fit perfectly in there, once the tendons were removed), and there are plenty of tendons and nerves that needs to have space enough in there to be able to slide through the way they're supposed to. So when finding yourself with symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, it's quite possible that you can do something about it by treating the forearm and hand, to try to "make space" in there. Movement makes movement :)

During the last part of the day I continued to do a bit of work on the face and scalp just to clean up from yesterday.

Another GREAT part of today was when we looked more at movement in the shoulder. We first located the musculocutaneous nerve right under the bicep, and then traced it back up to the shoulder. At the shoulder, the pectoralis is coming in over the bicep (biceps being under the pec). With really tight pecs, tension in the bicep is forced (so there will be tension in the biceps even when relaxed, which would cause someone to stand around with slightly flexed arms all the time). Which also means that the risk for a nerve impingement would be pretty likely! We see plenty of people with shoulder and arm issues that train a lot of chest - so this could be part of the explanation of why it occurs so often in that population. So keep your chest balanced - not too tight!

Todd showed us his dissecting skills today when he separated the external abdominal oblique, internal abdominal oblique and the transversus abdominis. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the thin layers of muscle - I had expected something thick and probably stiffer. But it does make sense that the abdominal are thinner and goes in different directions. It's where our upper and lower body connects, and it needs to be able to move. It needs to be able to be strong and fast and elastic. One thing that is simply impossible though, is the idea that you'd be able to use one of these muscles by itself (how many people haven't heard they need to strengthen transversus?), since they can only be separated by scalpel and a skilled hand... Its neighbor will move, and then the movement or force will "spread" over muscles, because logically, that means least resistance for the body. If one of these muscles took all the force of movement, people would be broken, like really broken. Anyways. Before we knew it we had reached the peritoneum (=the "sack" which hold the internal organs). I am not looking forward to the smell tomorrow 😳

Last for tonight was a discussion regarding stiff hamstrings (so common). The feel femoral artery has some perforating arteries that goes through the adductor magnus. It is really important that the blood can pass through these arteries in order for the hamstrings to get their blood supply and function! So keeping things moving and elastic in this region is essential.

Talk soon!

Day 2 - Human Dissection in Phoenix

Second day of dissection completed! Today I went into the lab a lot more relaxed and confident that I wasn't gonna freak or/throw up/insert unpleasantness here. It was a gorgeous morning and the lawns on the way to the lab were freshly cut. The smell of summer. Can't wait til it's that time again! Moments like today's walk to the laboratory makes me appreciate life - sunshine, the smell of grass and excitement for the day.

We started with picking our cadavers up from the big, deep freezer and put them on their (now very bare) tummies. To make the tissue a bit more stretched out we propped the chest up on a couple of boards, that made the neck fall into a really nice flexed position.

The areas that I got to dissect and uncover today was the whole trapezius, lats, shoulder, arms, hands and scalp. We also got to witness some very skilled work by Todd Garcia himself, as he showed us the next steps, after getting rid of the skin and fat. The next level was separation of muscles within the fascia profunda, so basically breaking the protective layer that holds the muscles grouped together and then the fascia in between them. It was amazing to both be able to move the limbs with the fascia intact, and then with the fascia removed/broken. Apparently that's not something that you'd be able to do with an embalmed body, so I'm very happy that I got to dissect on fresh tissue.

There has been several good and memorable moments today, and I will try to describe them as well as possible...without getting too gory.

When we had uncovered the back we did movement testing (again) with the arms overhead, down etc, just like we would normally test shoulder blades on a client. It was really cool to see the shoulder blade "pop" into the latissimus dorsi when reaching overhead. It was like a nice perfect little pocket! The tissue moved beautifully together. This was a moment when you truly realize how much tight lats can inhibit shoulder blade and shoulder function. It is all connected, and it all needs to work.

If you've ever used a foam roller, you are probably familiar with something called the IT band. We got to separate that from the muscle layer, while still having the ends "in place". It's really broad, broader than you'd think, with the ability to stretch different ways. We did some movement testing on the legs too, and it was very fascinating to see both before removing the fascia/separating the IT band and after, what the movement looked like. We can just go home and forget about isolation (again) - it's simply not possible to isolate a muscle from its surrounding tissue! Not even when you manually isolate it with a scalpel can you do it.. When you see a body like this a lot of things make so much more sense.

The textbook isn't perfect - we've definitely seen that today. Five different cadavers, all with different looking structures and tissue. Not two were alike! And should we really expect them to? No, of course not. But the we must also remember to treat and work with each body, within its own frame and possibilities, rather than believe that the same frame is right for every person.


Something else that was extraordinary was the lumbar aponeurosis! (=big thick tendon). Wow! It was a nice shiny layer with fibers going over each other, in opposite directions, to accommodate for movement. Just looking at the size and placement of it makes you understand how crucial it must be for good function, as it connects upper and lower body. A dehydrated, unstretchy aponeurosis is probably not anything you'd want. It was interesting, because the different cadavers had different "looks" on the tissue, they weren't all beautiful, shiny or easy to "strip". Our cadaver was VERY difficult around the lower back, and we didn't get to see any of that nice tissue (the group is working on five cadavers in total).

I took a special interest in the hands and forearms, which I stripped and cleaned. This could actually have been the best thing all day! When bare, the forearm and hand is just simply amazing. We have a lot of tendons in the area and when doing the separations of the muscles in the area, it was possible to move the fingers, one by one, in flexion and extension by only pulling the muscle/tendon in the forearm. I also preserved the retinaculum that acts as a bracelet for the tendons to pass through as we move the hand. That too was beautiful. You could see the directions in the tissue, nice and shiny with some movement.

Do not read on if sensitive :)

Another memorable moment was when I pulled off the scalp and managed to keep the galea aponeurotica (=big thick head tendon) in place! The sound it made I'll probably remember forever. It was kinda like pulling a sheet apart, but smaller and relatively stronger material. I can't put the sound into words, but I shall remember it. The touch of the scalp tissue was so different from anything else on the body. It was like tiny little "blobs", like the structure on the ends of chicken bone, but soft! The muscles on the sides of the head could be kept intact and that too was really cool to see. I'm really looking forward to the last day, when we'll be dissecting the brain!

I'm glad to say that they still don't really smell that much, despite the decomposing.... But I'm sure that will change once we're removing intestines. The worst thing about dissecting actually doesn't have anything to do with the bodies. It's the cleaning up after!

Day 1 - Human Dissection in Phoenix

So today I've done my first day at the Laboratory of Anatomical Enlightenment together with a great group and Todd Garcia!

It went very well - I thought it would be difficult with dead people, but it was actually fine. The first cut was a bit so so, but I got into dissection mode pretty fast and curiosity completely took over. The worst thing was cleaning up around the body before we froze it for the night! Small slabs of fat everywhere.

When we came in to the lab to start, we had five different cadavers, all quite different from each other. What was worst was that they were all quite discolored. These cadavers haven't been treated / embalmed in any way, but they had gone in the freezer and possibly trauma from before their passing. They were all old. Thanks to anyone who choose to donate their bodies to this type of courses by the way!

I had this idea before that it might be frightening or scary cutting into a dead person, but it was like when the spirit is gone, it isn't really human anymore. It is tissue, like any other.

Today's job was to get the skin off the front of the body, and we made it just in time. I started off on the shoulder, got to do the whole arm and hand, a bit on the torso, the tummy, neck and head. I did a bit on the lower body as well, but mostly helping to get fat off.

Fat is pretty amazing. It's SO yellow! And it's got an interesting texture. Speaking of texture, fascia is amazing. You can see it over and in between the muscles, and it is like a network, like I would imagine between cells in the brain. When you pull tissue apart the fascia between is stretchy like hair (if you've ever had the chance to pull a long hair and see how long before it snaps), and when you cut it with a scalpel it makes a noise like it is really strong tissue that "snaps". All very fascinating.

And muscles. Muscles are beautiful! It has been fantastic to feel the muscles from over the skin, and then being able to feel the muscle (and move the body) with no skin! Everything inside is so stuck together, that I think I completely lost faith in isolation. Local movement/activation sure, but to only activate one muscle at a time? The network around it makes it impossible. But isolated pump is surely one thing anyway :)

I am so grateful that I got the opportunity to go on this wildly fascinating course! And there's still another four days to go. I especially look forward to nerves around the hip, the spine, shoulder blades, diaphragm and the brain.

Back with more tomorrow!

Introduktion till 3D-träning

Välkommen till funktionell biomekaniksträning –  även kallad 3D träning. Med hjälp av 3D träning kan du hjälpa kroppen att klara av det du vill i vardagen och i livet. Som att lyfta barn, arbeta i trädgården eller spela fotboll. Funktionell Biomekanik är läran om hur kroppens muskler och leder fungerar i tre olika rörelseplan, det vill säga i tre olika riktningar.

Hur fungerar det?

3D Träning bygger på hur kroppen reagerar på de olika krafterna gravitation, underlagskraft, massa och moment. Eftersom dessa krafter bestämmer hur vår anatomi ser ut så vill 3D träning förbättra motståndskraften och samarbetet dem emellan – att skapa en balans i kroppen med både rörlighet och styrka. Det ger oss bättre förutsättningar att undvika skador och röra oss fritt i både vår vardag och träning. 

När passar 3D-träning?

3D träning är för alla! Vi lyder alla under samma fysiska lagar och kommer därför dra nytta av, och i viss mån använda oss av, träningsprinciperna för att få en välfungerande kropp. Det som skiljer sig från person till person är givetvis svårighetsgraden, vilket ofta handlar om rörelseomfång, hastighet och startpositioner.

Fördelar med 3D-träning

Fördelarna med 3D träning är många. Om kroppen bättre kan hantera de fysiska krafterna minskar onödig energiåtgång, lederna samspelar bättre – och mår bättre. Samtidigt är kroppen i skick att användas för det vi har behov av, som i idrotter eller vardagsaktiviteter.

Balans mellan rörlighet & stabilitet

För att förstå hur kroppen reagerar på olika krafter måste vi också förstå att kroppen inte är stöpt i en fast form. Tanken bakom funktionell träning är baserad på principer som inte tenderar att ändras, vad som dock ändras är hur minsta motståndets lag ser ut i varje individ, hur vi lättast rör oss obehindrat. 

Kroppen är designad för att vara skonsam så krafter kan spridas ut på flera ställen samtidigt – om denna design upprätthålls kommer våra leder fungera utan problem under en väldigt lång tid och minska risken för skador. Vår uppgift är därför att se till att vi rör oss på det mest skonsamma sättet, vilket betyder att rörlighet och stabilitet hör ihop, och inte kan separeras. Därför behöver våra övningar var utformade så dessa två kopplas samman och kompletterar varandra. Är en del av kroppen för rörlig kommer den inte motstå krafter på ett effektivt sätt, har vi för mycket stelhet så kommer heller inte kraften spridas på rätt sätt i kroppen.

Att tänka på

Det viktigaste i 3D träningen är att individen är i centrum. Detta innebär att alla som vill träna 3D träning behöver hitta sin egen funktionella tröskel i varje övning. Det handlar om att ta hänsyn till hur kroppen fungerar och ser ut, samt skador och begränsningar av olika slag, och vara lyhörd för detta. Vi är olika och oftast ser rörelserna olika ut beroende på individen som genomför den. Precis som i annan träning, finns ingen prestige i detta utan det om att lyssna in kroppen, och lära känna den. 

3D Funktion Modul 4 - Höft och Axel

Tidigare i veckan så var Jenny Svensson och jag återigen på utbildning i Stockholm med Seth Ronland och Andreas Öhgren. Den här gången var det dags för SI-leden, glenohumerala leden och skapula-thorakalleden. Lite enklare benämnt rör det sig om de leder som fäster våra ben och armar till ryggraden!


Vi började med en snabb genomgång av de tidigare modulerna - Fot/knä, Höft och Ryggrad. Därefter blev det fullt fokus på SI-leden, eller höftleden som den oftast kallas. I slutet av ryggraden så sitter sacrum, en triangelformad struktur som består av fem sammanväxta ryggkotor. Till sacrum så fäster ilium, även kallat tarmben (det låter inte alls lika bra!). Leden som sammanfogar dessa tillåter inte särskilt mycket rörelse, men definitivt tillräckligt för att ge dig stora problem när kroppen blir fast eller sned. Smärtan kan uttryckas på flera sätt, men ofta kan det te sig som en smärta i nedre delen av ryggen, som ibland går ner i benen. När leden slutar röra sig och fungera som den ska påverkas även muskulaturen kring höften - allt stelnar och symptomen kan bli värre. Vi får in en hel del klienter med så kallad "falsk ischias", som kan bero antingen på smärta i själva leden (när det börjar röra sig igen så släpper smärtan) eller att stela muskler trycker på ischias-nerven. Så när man lossar musklerna och får leden att komma igång igen kan man få bort oerhört mycket smärta och framförallt skapa rörelse som hela kroppen mår bra av. När en del slutar fungera så måste hela kroppen kompensera. Vi har EN kropp, och i den så sitter allt ihop!

Hur som helst så fick vi gå igenom ett flertal riktigt bra mjukvävnadstekniker för att lossa på spänningar i området. Och givetvis rörelser. Mååånga rörelser! Och det fascinerande är att med bara lite tryck och rätt rörelse så kan vi ta bort smärta, öka rörlighet och generera mer kraft, alltså uppleva oss själva som starkare, trots att vi har precis samma muskelmängd som 20 minuter tidigare. Det handlar om att programmera kroppen för effektiv rörelse! Visst låter det enkelt?

Under andra dagen var det dags att ta tag i något fantastiskt komplext, men ack så underbart! Problemaxlar är vanligare än man hade önskat, och anledningen till att de ibland kan vara svåra att lösa är att axeln är så väldigt mycket mer än den lilla armkulan som fäster till kroppen. Den är nog så komplex, men bak på ryggen så har vi ju två skulderblad! Skulderblad som ska kunna röra sig, både med och utan axeln. Men, i många fall kan de inte det. Man brukar säga att mellan 16-18 muskler fäster har fäste på skulderbladet (experterna är inte helt ense), och det räcker att en av dem inte gör sitt jobb för att du ska uppleva axeln som mindre samarbetsvillig!

Även om din smärta känns väldigt tydlig och uttalad betyder inte det att roten till ditt problem sitter just där det gör ont. I många fall är det så, att just i axeln hittar man sällan problemet där det gör ont (jobbigt?). Den riktigt skarpa smärtan du kan känna i själva axeln beror ofta på att det blivit för trångt - saker och ting har blivit tight, och hur du än vrider och vänder på dig så blir det bara tightare. Så först - vart sitter roten till dinsmärta? Och hur kan vi skapa mer plats i din GH-led? Personligen har jag varit lite insnöad på axlar sedan tidigare (de är fascinerande), men efter den här utbildningen förstår jag dem så mycket mer - särskilt vilken roll som ligament spelar i den här komplicerade orkestern. Även här gick vi igenom mycket mjukvävnadstekniker, men även både aktiva och passiva "ligament-stretcher" för att skapa plats mellan benen i axeln. Det var även mycket fokus på att hitta ett bra sätt för klienten att få rörelse i sitt skulderblad. Lite enklare tester, blandat med manuella tekniker för att skjuta på rörelsen lite extra. Och ibland det motsatta, beroende på önskad effekt.

Under dag två fick vi även vara med om något riktigt häftigt - Jenny och jag hamnade brevid en tjej som heter Camilla Rehn, som haft smärtor i ryggen sedan hon var 15 år (totalt 22 års smärta!). Hon hade en tid inbokad för steloperation av ryggen. Andreas och Seth lät hela gruppen screena henna i olika rörelser, och vi kunde alla se att kroppen stretade emot - här hade vi någon som verkligen hade ont! Faktum är att det blev inte mycket rörelse, vilket givetvis inte är särskilt bra. Efter screeningen fick Isabelle Franzén och Hans Hellberg (som brukar hjälpa Seth och Andreas på utbildningarna) ge henne ca 30 minuters behandling. Resultatet efteråt var helt otroligt - från att inte kunna böja sig/sträcka i sidled till i princip full rörlighet i alla riktningar på bara 30 minuter. Utan smärta. Nu behöver hon inte längre någon steloperation! Bella och Hans förvisso gjort det här lite längre, men det är så otroligt inspirerande att se vart Jenny och jag kan befinna oss om bara ett år eller två!

Om du behöver hjälp att reda ut kroppen eller känner någon annan som gör det, kan ni kontakta oss antingen för konsultation eller bokning av tid. Vi hjälper er gärna!